This is off the subject...
"Ted" is played by Josh Radnor, a Kenyon College (my alma mater) alum! Not only that, but Josh and I were in the same "Baby Drama" class freshman year. Clearly he took that class a little more seriously that I did; I took it because I thought I could skate by with a good grade, while satisfying my fine art requirement (little did I know that it would actually be harder than my first semester calculus class!).
I just couldn't resist getting in a little plug for Kenyon and a fellow alum done good.
Took today off in terms of exercise. Was planning to go to the pool, but instead, took my dear little pooch swimming. A local pool is closing its doors for the summer, and every year, they let local dogs go for a swim. My best friend, although a herding dog by breed, is a labrador retriever at heart.
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